Additional guidance on hiring freeze

April 2, 2020
Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost Paul Alivisatos, Vice Provost for the Faculty Benjamin Hermalin and Chief Human Resource Officer and Assistant Vice Chancellor for People and Culture Eugene Whitlock sent the following message to faculty and staff:
We are writing to follow up on yesterday’s message regarding a campus-wide hiring freeze. What follows is our effort to answer some of the questions that we have received about academic and staff hiring during this period.
Ongoing faculty searches will be reviewed and approved under a process overseen by the Vice Provost for the Faculty; a communication is being sent to Deans and Chairs that will provide details.
For all other titles, requests for an exception to the hiring freeze should be sent through the Dean, Vice Chancellor, Vice/Associate Provost, or Associate Chancellor for the area, and will be reviewed by the Finance Committee, which consists of the Chancellor, the Provost, the Vice Chancellor for Finance, and Vice Chancellor for Administration.
We have prepared a brief FAQ that provides additional guidance about the Hiring Freeze. Further information about the exception request process will be shared with the Cabinet and Council of Deans in the coming days. We will be asking that all requests for exceptions include a brief justification for why the hire should continue. Currently running searches will receive high priority and are likely to be viewed positively if the searches are at the interview stage. Decisions on exemption requests for current searches will be made within a week of receipt by the Finance Committee.