Elections and democracy
From ongoing threats to democracy to the reliability of voter polling to the priorities of young voters, UC Berkeley experts are focused on elections and the future of democracy. The following experts may be available to assist reporters.
Journalists needing additional assistance: email [email protected].
Professor of political science and public policy, former dean of the Goldman School of Public Policy
Electoral politics and political participation, education policy, California politics, polling, polarization and trust. UC Berkeley News
Associate professor of political science
Political communication, political polarization, political persuasion, and reducing prejudice toward transgender people and undocumented immigrants. UC Berkeley News, Politico, Plain English podcast
Interim dean of Haas School of Business, professor of management
Narcissistic leaders, organizational psychology, the importance of diversity in teams, challenges confronting women leaders. UC Berkeley News
Senior social scientist at Othering & Belonging Institute
Electoral trends, social and structural barriers to civic participation, building inclusive democracy.
Professor of law
Constitutional law, the indictment of Donald Trump, presidential power, U.S. Supreme Court. UC Berkeley News, CalMatters
Professor of information
AI in image processing, political messaging and deepfakes, algorithms and recommender systems, AI policy and law. UC Berkeley News, The Washington Post, The New York Times
Professor of political science
Challenges to democracy in the United States and around the world. UC Berkeley News, The New York Times
Vice provost for graduate studies, professor in the School of Education
Educational and political inequality, voter engagement and organizing.
Associate professor of public policy, leader of the Democracy Policy Lab
The causes and consequences of the nationalization of state politics; labor, racial and economic inequality, democracy. UC Berkeley News, The New York Times, Foreign Affairs
Professor of public law
Race and constitutional law, how racism has evolved, how politicians exploit race. UC Berkeley News, PBS, Vox
Policy director and senior researcher for the Berkeley Institute for Young Americans
Youth political engagement, generational comparisons. UC Berkeley News, KQED
Professor of political science
International elections, influences on domestic politics and the developing world, election fraud. UC Berkeley News, The New York Times
Professor of political science
Political psychology, democratic accountability, public opinion. UC Berkeley News, The Atlantic, The Washington Post
Associate Professor of African American Studies and African Diaspora Studies
Racialization in the U.S., social movements, conspiracy theories, contemporary US politics and social change. UC Berkeley News, The New York Times
Associate professor of sociology, co-director of the Institute of Governmental Studies
Politics and race, immigration, Latino migration. UC Berkeley News, KQED . Speaker of Spanish and English.
Professor of political science, director of the Berkeley Economy and Society Initiative
Economic class, inequality and populism in contemporary American politics. UC Berkeley News, The New York Times
Professor of law, African American Studies, and Ethnic Studies; director of the Othering and Belonging Institute
Civil rights, civil liberties, structural racism, housing, poverty and democracy. UC Berkeley News, The New Yorker
Founder, chair and lead researcher at the Center for Right-Wing Studies
Populism and nationalism in the U.S. and Europe, the rise of right-wing extremism. UC Berkeley News
Professor of political science, co-director of the Institute of Governmental Studies
U.S. politics, Congress, state-federal relations, public opinion. UC Berkeley News, The Washington Post, The New York Times
Lecturer of political science
Campaign strategies and political messaging. UC Berkeley News, KQED, The Guardian
Professor of law, philosophy and political science
Immigration law and policy, race and gender politics, freedom of speech. UC Berkeley News, The New Yorker
Professor of statistics
Election trustworthiness, election audits, risk-limiting audits, election cyber security, contested elections. UC Berkeley News, The Washington Post, Politico, The Associated Press, The Nation
Founder, executive director for the Berkeley Institute for Young Americans
Youth political engagement, generational comparisons. UC Berkeley News, California Sun
Professor of the Graduate School
International politics, the information economy, cybersecurity, behavioral economics. UC Berkeley News
Dean of the Goldman School of Public Policy
Public opinion, political psychology, race and justice. UC Berkeley News, PBS