People, Profiles

Campus takes a moment to remember those lost

As 30 white doves circled overhead and a lone bagpiper played “Amazing Grace,” the UC Berkeley campus took a moment on Monday to remember more than 90 members of the campus community who died over the last year.

campus memorial

As 30 white doves circled overhead and a lone bagpiper played “Amazing Grace,” the UC Berkeley campus took a moment on Monday to remember those from the campus community who died over the last year.

“It’s important that we have ceremonies like this, a ceremony that reflects the genuine community of this campus,” said Chancellor Nicholas Dirks at the midday gathering on the lawn around the flagpole just behind California Hall. “It affirms the profound connection that binds us together, and to the campus and the community.” Behind him, the flag flew at half-staff above two wreaths of blue and gold flowers. A steady stream of those in attendance stepped up to the foot of the flagpole to leave flowers.

Monday’s was the 13th annual campus memorial, and it honored more than 90 faculty, emeriti, students and staff, whose names were read aloud. The names appear below, and are also posted online here. Photos of the memorial can be viewed in the slideshow below.

In memoriam:

Academic and Faculty

Thomas C. Alber, Molecular and Cell Biology
Patricia “Pat” Buffler, Public Health
Anthony Bulloch, Classics
Chulho Kang, Cancer Research Lab
Kenneth Steven Lane, Graduate School of Education
Pierre Loewe, Haas School of Business
Reed Moyer, Graduate School of Business
Heino Nitsche, Chemistry
Stephen Rao, Psychology
Susan Rasky, Journalism
Charles Scheffey, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Aldo Sciamanna, Chemistry
Suzanne Scotchmer, Law, Economics and Public Policy
Terry J. Shaw, Lawrence Hall of Science
Kathy Schueler, University Extension
Kenneth Speirs, English


Arthur Bergen, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Stanley Berger, Mechanical Engineering
Gerald Berreman, Anthropology
James Cahill, History of Art
Susanna Castillo-Robson, Student Affairs
Earl Cheit, Haas School of Business
Chin Long Chiang, Public Health
Robert F. Coleman, Mathematics
Robert Connick, Chemistry
Charles Fillmore, Linguistics
James Fristrom, Molecular and Cell Biology
Steven Goldman, Social Sciences and Economics
Harrison Gough, Psychology
Gregory Grossman, Economics
Sir Peter Hall, City & Regional Planning, Environmental Design
Robert Harlan, School of Library and Information Studies
Sanford Hirshen, Environmental Design and Architecture
Chieh Hsu, Mechanical Engineering
William Jolly, Chemistry
Sanford (Sandy) Kadish, Law
Joseph Kerman, Music
Carlton Koehler, Environmental Science, Policy and Management
Sydney Kustu, Plant and Microbial Biology
Henry Lagorio, Environmental Design and Architecture
Sylvia Lane, Agriculture and Resource Economics
Harold Lecar, Molecular & Cell Biology
Robert Martin, Environmental Science, Policy and Management
George Miyasaki, Art Practice
Lawrence “Larry” Henry Moe, Music and University Organist
Charles Radcliffe, Mechanical Engineering
Seth Roberts, Psychology
Joseph “Joe” L. Sax, Law
Bertram Raphael (Raphe) Izod Sealey, Social Sciences and History
Paul C. Silva, University Herbarium
George J. Staubus, Haas School of Business
Robert C. Stebbins, Zoology
Richard Steinhardt, Molecular and Cell Biology
Michael Tarter, Public Health
Gareth Thomas, Materials Science and Engineering
George Turin, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Jack Washburn, Materials Science and Engineering
William Waters, Entomology and Parasitology and Forestry/ESPM/CNR
John Wheeler, Haas School of Business
George Wolf, Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology
Bruno Zumino, Physics


Sableu Cabildo, Information Systems and Technology
Thusa Chu, Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
Stephen Comrie, Physical Plant-Campus Services
Damon Frick, International House
Kerri Hartnett-McGill, Haas School of Business
Robert Hashimoto, Environment, Health and Safety
Stefano “Steve” Maranzana, Environment, Health and Safety
Scott Moulzolf, Space Sciences Laboratory
Patricia (Pat) Murphy, Haas School of Business
Reginald Walter Nance, Residential & Student Service Programs
Jennifer Packer, Student Information System Replacement Project
Helen Renstrom-Farnsworth, Music
Melinda Schissel, Graduate School of Education
Jennifer Shankey, Education, Language Literacy, Society and Culture
Wayne Lawrence Silka, Bancroft Library
Ira Joe Sterling, Physical Plant-Campus Services
Vazken (Tash) Tashinian, Chemistry
Paul Williams, Physical Plant-Campus Services

Undergraduate Students

Ted Agu, Letters and Science
Zachary Dion, Letters and Science
David Getman, Letters and Science
Kevin Gong, Letters and Science
Zie-Yeung Vincent Lee, Engineering
Maliq Nixon, Letters and Science
Adam Rice, Letters and Science
Ruoyang Wang, Natural Resource
Michelle Bernadet Yaeger, Letters and Science

Graduate Students

Paul Geurts, Molecular and Cell Biology
Lisa Marie Houlihan Johnson, Law
Jennifer (Jenn) Seminatore, Sociology
Emil Stefanov, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Zurab (Zura) Gurgenadze, Law