Campus & community, People

Meet our new faculty: Tom Schutzius, mechanical engineering

A headshot of Tom Schutzius, neutral expression, over a yellow filter surrounded by a navy, circular background
Tom Schutzius is a new member of the UC Berkeley faculty.

ETH Zurich, Ramona Tollardo

Name: Tom Schutzius (he/him)

Discipline: Mechanical engineering

Degrees: B.Sc. in Mechanical engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago; Ph.D. in Mechanical engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)

Research interests: Through experimental investigations, we explore how surfaces and bulk materials can be (nano)engineered to enhance micro/nanoscale and interfacial transport, and based on our findings, we develop and fine-tune materials and devices for application at the water-energy nexus.

Fun fact: Chasing after my two children — a bit more difficult here with the hills! :)