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Eight UC Berkeley students receive Fulbright scholarship

Eight students from the University of California, Berkeley, have received Fulbright scholarships to travel and study abroad for the 2010-11 academic school year.

Eight students from the University of California, Berkeley, have received Fulbright scholarships to travel and study abroad for the 2010-11 academic school year.

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program is an international educational exchange mission sponsored by the U.S. government to promote greater understanding between Americans and people around the world.

The eight UC Berkeley recipients of the 2010-11 Fulbright scholarships are:

  • Dena A. Fehrenbacher, who will travel to Bulgaria to teach English as a foreign language.
  • Timothy C. Herrmann, who will travel to Colombia to teach English as a foreign language.
  • Mark E. Huberty, who will travel to the European Union to study energy.
  • Michael G. Kushell, who will travel to Japan to study ethnomusicology.
  • Angela A. Ni, who will travel to China to study public health.
  • Paul S. Roge, who will travel to Mexico to study ecology and
  • Victoria K. Shure, who will travel to Germany to teach English as a foreign language.
  • Jessica Stevenson Stewart, who will travel to Belgium to study art and architectural history.

The UC Berkeley scholarship recipients are among 1,500 U.S. students going abroad this year.

In addition to the eight scholarship recipients, UC Berkeley graduate students have received other prestigious Fulbright awards, including:

  • Matthew Traylor, a Ph.D candidate in chemical engineering, has been named as a 2010 Fulbright American Scholar. Traylor will spend a year conducting research at the University of Queensland in Australia. His research aims to develop an inexpensive and biologically safe chemical to be used in place of the toxic pesticide DDT.
  • Shane Boyle, a Ph.D candidate in performance studies, has received a Fulbright Research Grant. Boyle will conduct research in Germany for the 2010-11 academic year, and his work will focus on 1960s political performance.
  • Maya deVries, a Ph.D candidate in integrative biology, has received a Fulbright Research Grant. She will travel to Panama to study the food web ecology of coral reefs in the area.

Established in 1946 by the late U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas, the Fulbright program operates in 155 countries worldwide. For more information about the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, see the Fulbright for U.S. students’ website.