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Indoors or out, summer means camp at Berkeley

Summer fun can mean skateboarding and swimming, or science experiments, writing workshops and business school — and Berkeley’s summer camp programs have it all. The season for registration and applications is officially open.

Science experiment at kids camp

Summer fun can mean skateboarding and swimming, or science experiments, writing workshops and business school — and Berkeley’s summer camp programs have it all.  Indoors or outdoors, for credit or for fun (or both), for a few hours or all day long, the camps can fit many different schedules and needs. They tend to fill up fast, and they do cost money. Some registration/application deadlines are coming up soon, so check the websites listed, or call the phone numbers, for details.

Academic Talent Development Program (ATDP) Summer dance camp

3639 Tolman #1670, Berkeley CA 94720-1670
(510) 642-8308; fax: (510) 642-0510

Elementary Division

Outstanding K-6 students attend a three-week summer session of enrichment classes at Washington Elementary School in Point Richmond.
Dates: July 11- July 29
Times: Morning (8:30 a.m.-noon) or afternoon (1:00-4:30 p.m.). For an extra fee, ATDP students can also attend an on-site half-day sports camp sponsored by Cal Youth and Outdoor Programs.
Level: Grades K-6
Fees: Processing, $50 (non-refundable); tuition and materials,
$542; sibling discount, $35 per student (from tuition only).
Application deadlines: Postmark deadline for returning ED students: Wednesday, March 16. Postmark deadline for new ED applicants: Postmarked by Wednesday, March 30.

Secondary Division

Academically talented students in grades 7 to 11 attend a six-week session of challenging summer classes on the UC Berkeley campus. Students who successfully complete courses receive a recommendation for credit at their school.
Dates: June 20-July 29
Level: Grades 7-11
Times: Morning (8:30 a.m.-noon) or afternoon (1:00-4:30 p.m.)
Weekly schedule: 5-unit classes (2 days per week); 10-unit classes (3 days per week).
Fees: Processing, $50 (non-refundable); tuition, 5 units, $530-$650; 10 units, $760-$880; AP Biology, $1,220; Sibling discount, $35 per student (from tuition only)
Application deadlines: Postmark deadline for returning SD students: Wednesday, Feb. 16. Postmark deadline for new SD students: Wednesday, March 2.

Cal Youth and Outdoor Programs

CYOP Enrollment Center

Recreational Sport Facility

2301 Bancroft Way #4420

Berkeley CA 94720-4420

[email protected]
(510) 643-2267; fax: (510) 642-8343

Cal Adventures Summer Camps

Ages: 8-17

These include ATDP Sports, Afternoon Adventures, Discovery, rock climbing, sailing, sea kayaking, windsurfing, stand-up paddleboarding, GORP (new for 2011, an outdoor camper leadership program).

After-school camps available in spring and fall for sailing, sea kayaking, windsurfing and rock climbing.

Custom Programs

Tailored half-day or full-day programs focusing on team building

Ages: 8-18

Campers enjoy the outdoorsSpecialized Summer and Year-Round Programs

Golden Bear Gymnastics Classes
Ages: 18 months-8 years

Art Camps

Ceramics, black and white photography, book- and journal-making.
Ages: 9-18

Strawberry Canyon Summer Programs

Recreational Sports Camps

Explorer, Blue Cubs, Blue Bears, Blue Grizzlies, skateboard, social skills track, leadership training.
Ages: 5-16

Science and Sports Camps

Full-day programs with half-day (mornings) at Lawrence Hall of Science and afternoons at either Explorer Camps (grades 1-3) or Blue Camp (Grades 4-6).

Ages: Entering Grades 1-6 only (Fall 2011)

Swimming Classes

Ages: 6 months-17+ years

Martial Arts Camp

Ages: 6-16

Lawrence Hall of Science Summer Camps

Children of all ages make discoveries about the world as they spend the summer with other campers building rockets, solving mysteries, mixing chemical concoctions, getting up close with live animals and more. The Lawrence Hall of Science offers expert instructors, collaborative environments, special equipment and engaging activities.
(510) 642-5134

Half- and Full-Day Camps                                                       Science camp teaches dissection

Level: Pre-K through entering 12th grade.
Enrollment: 12-20 campers, depending on the camp.
Dates: Ongoing, June 13 —Aug. 19
Fees: Vary from $156-$455 for day camp; High School Research Camps $480-$1040; discounts for LHS members.

Overnight Camps

These include backpacking and research.
Ages: 8-18
Enrollment: 24-72 campers, depending on the camp.
Dates: 5 or 6 days, June 12-July 17
Fee: Varies from $695-$1,040 per camp; discounts for LHS members.

Enrollment: Begins Feb. 25 for members, March 3 for the general public.

Young Entrepreneurs at Haas School of Business (YEAH)

(510) 643-4622
[email protected]
The YEAH Saturday Business Academy is a free four-year program in which high school students are mentored by Berkeley (Haas) MBA and undergraduate students through a fun and challenging business curriculum with a focus on entrepreneurship. Preference is given to youth who come from low-income families, attend public schools or would be the first in their family to graduate from a four-year college.
Current 8th graders
Dates: July 18-29, Monday through Friday, noon-4 p.m. on the Berkeley campus, then one or two Saturday mornings during the school year. (Visit website for more information and the online application.)
Registration deadline: April 1

Berkeley Business Academy for Middle-School Students

(510) 643-0923 (Olive Davis)
[email protected]

The Center for Young Entrepreneurs at Haas (YEAH) is offering a summer academy opportunity for students entering 6th-9th grades. Students will have access to the resources of the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business in a summer camp called Berkeley Business Academy for Youth (B-BAY!).  Students will work with Haas faculty, students, and staff to learn about teamwork, entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, presentation skills, creating a website for their business and more. Students are required to fill out an application and write a one-page essay stating what they hope to accomplish during the program.

Dates: July 5-15
Time: 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.
Fee: $1,000
Level: 6th-9th graders
Application deadline: June 24


Pre-Collegiate Program: Berkeley Summer Sessions for High School Students

1995 University Ave., Suite 110, Berkeley CA 94704
(510) 642-5611; fax: (510) 642-2877
[email protected]

The program brings more than 250 high school students to Berkeley to take classes during the  summer — and earn college credit at one of the world’s leading universities. Students who have completed the 10th and 11th grade, show an overall B average and submit a favorable letter from a teacher or counselor are eligible.

Dates: June 20-Aug. 12 (Session C), July 5-Aug. 12 (Session D).
Fees and application information: Available on the web.
Enrollment: Begins Feb. 15; courses fill on a first-come, first-served basis.

SPEAR Middle School Scholars Academy at UC Berkeley

Student Learning Center, 143 Cesar Chavez Student Center, Berkeley, CA 94720
(510) 643-8818
[email protected]/spear

SPEAR (Scholars Preparing for English, Arithmetic, and Reading) at UC Berkeley is a  six-week program specifically designed for students entering 6th grade. The program will focus on developing students’ critical reading and writing skills, honing their conceptual understanding of mathematics and building effective study strategies.

Dates: July 5-Aug. 12
Times: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; extended-care hours available

Fees: $3,000; extended-care fee of $300 is waived for UC staff and faculty.

Level: Students entering 6th grade

Application deadline: April 1

Residential Summer Programs for High-School Students at Other UC Campuses

The California State Summer School in Mathematics and Science (COSMOS)

Residential academic program for high school students in mathematics and science at the following UC campuses:
: June 26- July 23
Santa Cruz: July 10- Aug. 6
Davis: July 10- Aug. 6
San Diego: July 10- Aug. 6

Fee: $2,675 for California residents (financial assistance available)
Application Period: Feb. 1- March 15

UC Davis Young Scholars Program
Summer residential research program for high school sophomores and juniors to work in laboratories with research faculty and groups for 6 weeks.
June 19-July 30
Fee: $5,000 (financial assistance available)
Application deadline: March 31

UC Santa Barbara Pre-College Programs
Four six-week residential programs for high school students: Early Start, Academic & Enrichment, Enrichment, and Research Mentorship.
June 19-July 30

Summer Camps at University Village

1125 Jackson St., Albany, CA 94706
(510) 524-4926; fax: 527-9934
[email protected]
Week-long co-ed camps and mini-camps in baseball, basketball, gymnastics, Capoeira, circus skills, chess, skateboarding, eco-leadership, Lego, soccer and more.

Ages: 3-15 years (extended care available for camp participants ages 7-11)
Dates: June 13-Aug. 26, one-week camps
Fees: Discounted for all UC Berkeley students, faculty, staff and affiliates.

Special Spring Break Soccer Camp

With Teale Matteshon (former UC men’s assistant coach)
Dates: April 11-15
See for details.

Community Summer Programs

2011 Summer Camp Fair

Sponsored by the American Camp Association and the Seven Hills School
Date: Saturday, March 5, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Preschool-High School

The Seven Hills School
975 N. San Carlos Dr.,
Walnut Creek, CA
Contact: Susie Canchola
(925) 933-0666×5021


AAUW Summer Camps and Programs Fair

Date: Sunday, March 13, 1-4:30 p.m.
Free Admission

Scottish Rite Center
1547 Lakeside Dr.
Oakland, CA


Berkeley Parents Network

Moderated, parent-run online forum for local parents; subscribe to receive information on camps. as well as schools and pre-schools.

Young Writers’ Camp

Bay Area Writing Project
(510) 642-0971
[email protected]

Dates: June 20-July 8, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-noon
Level: Students entering grades 4-9 in the fall
Fee: $425 ($450 for digital storytelling in SF)
Locations: ASCEND School, Oakland; Bacich Elementary School, Kentfield; Longfellow Middle School, Berkeley; The Laboratory School at Mills College, Oakland; The San Francisco School, San Francisco*

*digital storytelling camp

UC Botanical Garden Green Stuff Day Camp

Campers discover the world of plants through garden explorations, science experiments, growing and harvesting vegetables, making crafts from plants, discovering garden animals, and learning about plant diversity at the Botanical Garden. More information at:
Camp Sessions:
9 a.m.-2 p.m.

Ages: 5-7 years
Dates: June 20-24, June 27-July 1, July 11-15, July 18-22, Aug. 8-12, Aug. 15-19

Ages: 8-10 years

Dates: July 25-29, Aug. 1-5

Fee: $240, or $220 for members

Compiled by the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Dependent Care