Media Advisory: North Korean crossroads
Experts will assemble on campus Friday to assess North Korea
January 17, 2012
ATTENTION: Reporters covering Asia politics, international affairs and national security
WHAT: “North Korean Crossroads: International Reaction to the Succession of Kim Jong-un,” a discussion by a panel of experts at the University of California, Berkeley.
The panel will explore international reaction to the recent death of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il, the transition in leadership to his son, Kim Jong-un, and how that may affect future policy.
WHEN: 4-6 p.m., Friday, Jan. 20
WHERE: Sixth floor of the Institute of East Asian Studies, 2223 Fulton St., Berkeley
DETAILS: The event, sponsored by the Center for Korean Studies, will feature a presentation by Michael Nacht, UC Berkeley professor of public policy and former assistant U.S. secretary of defense for global strategic affairs, and discussion by other panelists who include UC Berkeley professors T.J. Pempel, a political scientist who specializes in East Asia; Lowell Dittmer, a political scientist and expert on contemporary China; Daniel J. Sargent, a historian and expert on U.S. foreign relations; and moderator Hong Yung Lee, who researches the domestic politics of Korea and China.
Also joining the panel will be Donald N. Clark, a Trinity University expert on the history of U.S. foreign relations, particularly in Korea.