Fourteen staffers, six teams win Chancellor’s Outstanding Staff Awards
Fourteen staffers and members of six teams will be honored Monday (April 29) as the UC Berkeley campus recognizes the 2013 recipients of the Chancellor's Outstanding Staff Awards. Chancellor Robert Birgeneau will hand out awards and shake the honorees' hands. The 2 p.m. event will be streamed live online.

April 25, 2013
Fourteen staffers and members of six teams will be honored Monday (April 29) as the UC Berkeley campus recognizes the 2013 recipients of the Chancellor’s Outstanding Staff Awards.
In the 21st annual ceremony, Chancellor Robert Birgeneau will hand out awards and shake the honorees’ hands. The 2 p.m. event will be streamed live online at, and the webcast will archived online for future viewing.
The awards go to staffers who not only do an excellent job but demonstrate exceptional initiative in contributing to the campus community. This year’s recipients are:

Chancellor Robert Birgeneau. (NewsCenter photo by Peg Skorpinski)
Suzan Akin, CalCorps Public Service Center
Linda Algazzali, Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics
Sue Burchfield, Biosciences Divisional Services
Kira Blaisdell-Sloan, Department of History
Jeff Davis, Department of Music
Gillian Edgelow, Department of Gender and Women’s Studies
Malcolm Gaustad, Capital Projects/Inspection Services
Jeannie Imazumi-Wong, Department of Ethnic Studies
Ruben Mejia, Letters and Science Dean’s Office
Lily Mirels, Berkeley Stem Cell Center
Maria Lucero Padilla, Ethics, Risk and Compliance Services
Paul Riofski, Berkeley Nanosciences and Nanoengineering Institute
Katherine Walsh, The LEAD Center, ASUC Auxiliary
Rachel Winheld, Science@Cal
Cal Day Digital Communications and Design Team: Kathryn Bader, La Dawn Duvall, Ram Kapoor, Melani King, Sara Leavitt, Steve McConnell, Hulda Nelson, Emily Strange (all of the Office of Public Affairs)
Coalition for Education & Outreach: Meltem Erol (College of Engineering), Avi Rosenzweig (Nanoscale Science and Engineering Graduate Group), Kate Spohr (Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center), Rachel Winheld (Science@Cal)
The Operational Excellence Productivity Suite bConnected Team: Ian Crew, Mimi Mugler, Bernie Rossi, Jon Skelton, Michele Tomkin (all of Information Services and Technology), Gabriel Gonzalez (Law School Computer Services), David Scronce (Center for Organizational and Workforce Effectiveness)
Stay Day: Jackie Blossom-Garcia (New Student Services), James Carroll, (Residential Programs), Annalyn Cruz (Vice Chancellor Student Affairs Immediate Office), Kristin Delo (Residential Programs), Courtney Franks (Financial Aid Operations), Sabina Garcia (Vice Chancellor Student Affairs Immediate Office), Rachel Klein (College of Environmental Design Dean’s Office), Je Nell Padilla (Residential Programs), Lance Page (Vice Chancellor Student Affairs Immediate Office), Marcia Gee Riley (Vice Chancellor Student Affairs Immediate Office), Avi Rosenzweig (Nanoscale Science and Engineering Graduate Group), Jen Siecienski (University Village), Steve Sutton (Residential Programs), Deborah Tatto (Summer Sessions), Erin Wixson (Vice Chancellor Student Affairs Immediate Office)
Student of Concern Committee: Susan Bell (University Health Services, Counseling Services), Connie Chiba (Disabled Students Program), Ivor Emmanuel (Berkeley International Office), Diane Hill (Graduate Division Dean’s Office), Hallie Lewis Hunt (Student Conduct and Common Standards Department), Nicole A. Miller (Police Department), Jeff Prince (University Health Services, Counseling Services), Michael Tran-Taylor (Housing and Dining Services)
Technology Transfer Program: Helen Bassham, Laura Melendy, Dana Oldknow, Eduardo Cuenca Serafin, Bernadette Tan Edwards, Afsaneh Yavari (all of the Institute of Transportation Studies).
More information is available on the COSA website.
Details about each recipient’s achievements can be found by scrolling down on the COSA recipients web page.
To view the ceremony live or the archived webcast, go to this ustream website.