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Be prepared: three tips and an app for earthquake country

Many emergencies — earthquakes especially — hit without warning. Are you prepared? See an infographic, "Top 3 Tips for Surviving an Earthquake," and download an app and readiness plan provided by the campus's Office of Emergency Management.

3 tips poster

Click on image to read and download a PDF, printable at letter or legal size.

In the wake of the recent 6.0 earthquake centered near Napa, Calif. — the largest quake to hit the San Francisco Bay Area in 25 years — the campus’s Office of Emergency Management is offering several new emergency-preparedness tools.

They include an infographic and poster on how to respond in an earthquake. You may be surprised to learn, for instance, that it’s no longer recommended to run to the closest doorway in a temblor. But gathering information and supplies ahead of time does remain a top priority.

“Have your own emergency go-bag,” says OEM head Amina Assefa. “If you have medications or prescription glasses or a vegetarian diet, you’ll need to supply it yourself. Own your own preparedness.”

Check out the infographic, created by the Office of Communications and Public Affairs, and learn about a free app, and campus plan, to improve your readiness for earthquakes and other potential emergencies.