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New support for sexual assault survivors

All UC campuses now have a confidential advocate who works fulltime with survivors of sexual assault and sexual harassment. On the UC Berkeley campus, the post is filled by Mari Knuth-Bouracee, who began work here last fall.

Mari Knuth-Bouracee

Mari Knuth-Bouracee

The University of California Office of the President announced today (Wednesday, Jan. 21) that all campuses in the UC system now have or will soon have a confidential advocate who works fulltime as a resource for survivors of sexual assault and sexual harassment. On the UC Berkeley campus, that official is Mari Knuth-Bouracee, who began work last fall as the new director of sexual assault prevention and student advocacy.

Her selection follows Chancellor Dirks’ announcement last spring that the campus was dedicated to creating and filling the position. He reiterated the importance of the position today, saying:

“This is a critically important position for our campus. The confidential advocate will support survivors in accessing a number of resources and provide assistance with reporting options available to them on the Berkeley campus. In addition, she  will play a key role in enhancing our prevention and awareness efforts for everyone on our campus.”

Knuth-Bouracee, a certified rape crisis and domestic violence counselor who has spent significant time as an advocate for social justice and gender equity, most recently worked at the UC Davis Women’s Resources and Research Center. She began working with UC Berkeley students in October 2014.

“As a confidential advocate, I will listen and provide affirming and empowering support, resources and accompaniment to students, and I can assist with concerns regarding healthcare, reporting, academics and more,” said Knuth-Bouracee. “Each student will be able to make their own choices, including the type and form of assistance they will want from an advocate. Every choice will be supported, and I am available to assist them every step of the way.”