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Governor makes a surprise visit to Cal-in-Sacramento

Gov. Brown made an unexpected appearance at the summer celebration of Cal-in-Sacramento last night, chatting with students from his alma mater and posing for photos. The students are interns in public service with the Matsui Center program.

Gov. Brown and students

Gov. Brown surprises and delights Cal-in-Sacramento fellows. (UC Berkeley photo by Camille Koué)

Gov. Brown made an unexpected appearance at the summer celebration of Cal-in-Sacramento last night, chatting with students from his alma mater and posing for photos.

The surprise was icing on the cake for Cal-in-Sacramento, a program through which UC Berkeley’s Matsui Center sends some 30 students to intern in public service in California’s capital each year. Last night’s reception, for this summer’s fellows, was sponsored by the campus’s Office of Government and Community Relations and the Institute of Governmental Studies as well as the Matsui Center.

In addition to the governor, five members of the California Assembly came to meet the newest Berkeley students in town. Cal-in-Sacramento fellows spend eight weeks interning in the offices of Senate and Assembly members, the governor’s office, state agencies and nonprofit groups.

Photos of the students and from the reception are posted on the Matsui Center’s blog.

More information about Cal-in-Sacramento can be found on the IGS website.