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Town halls offer the chance to help write Berkeley’s next chapter

Berkeley faculty, staff, and students can weigh in on the work of the campus's Strategic Planning Steering Committee at two town halls this week

How can UC Berkeley create a campus community where all students thrive both academically and personally? How can greater numbers of learners be educated without harming the quality of the college experience? What are the great issues in society — from confronting climate change to how adapting to lives increasingly affected by artificial intelligence — that Berkeley is uniquely suited to address through its teaching and research?

Strategic Planning Steering Committee co-chairs Rich Lyons and Lisa Alvarez-Cohen

Strategic Planning Steering Committee co-chairs Lisa Alvarez-Cohen and Rich Lyons

These questions and many others are at the heart of the campus’s strategic planning process, which hit a milestone last week with the release of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee’s draft report. The document offers recommendations for how Berkeley should focus its energy and prioritize resources in order to best serve California and the world over the coming decade.

Berkeley faculty, staff and students can weigh in on the draft report’s conclusions during the semester’s two final town hall events at the end of this week. On Thursday, May 3, from 5 to 6 p.m. in 106 Stanley Hall and Friday, May 4, from 12 to 1 p.m. in Chou Hall’s Spieker Forum (part of the Haas School of Business), members of the steering committee and its working groups will present their recommendations and take questions and suggestions from the Berkeley community.

No registration is required to attend. More information about the strategic planning process can be found at