Media Advisory | What matters on Election Day: UC Berkeley profs talk midterms

November 1, 2018
NOTE: Reporters planning to attend, please R.S.V.P. to Will Kane
WHAT: A panel discussion about Tuesday’s midterm elections with some of UC Berkeley’s top political experts. What polls matter and why? Can the Democrats can take back the House or Senate? Will President Trump’s base strategy hold off Democrat anger?
WHEN: 12-1:30 p.m. Friday, November 2. Members of the media should arrive by 11:45 a.m.
WHERE: Social Science Matrix at 820 Barrows Hall. (Map)
- Mark DiCamillo, director, Berkeley IGS Poll
- Samantha Luks, managing director, scientific research, San Francisco, YouGov
- Eric McGhee, research fellow, Public Policy Institute of California
- Laura Stoker, associate professor of political science, UC Berkeley
- Jack Citrin, professor of political science, UC Berkeley
- The speakers will give short opening statements and take questions from the audience
- An overview of the discussion can be found on Berkeley News
- More logistical details can be found online