As coronavirus arrives in Bay Area, UC Berkeley prepares
An update on plans from two UC Berkeley leaders

January 31, 2020
Marc Fisher, vice chancellor for administration, and Anne Harte, medical director of University Health Services, sent the following message to the campus community on Friday:
News regarding the coronavirus (2019-nCoV) continues to evolve and we are writing today to keep you informed of the latest information from public health officials, governmental entities and others.
We learned today that there is one confirmed case of coronavirus in Santa Clara County. Currently, there remains no confirmed cases in Alameda County. And, as you are aware, there are a number of other cases in the United States and thousands in China.
[Earlier: How UC Berkeley is preparing for coronavirus]
Regarding travel, the State Department has issued a Level 4 Travel Advisory (do not travel) for China and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recommending that travelers avoid all non-essential travel to China. University of California President Janet Napolitano issued a directive Thursday requiring that UC limit non-essential UC-related travel to China.
At UC Berkeley we are establishing local travel protocols to carry out the new UCOP travel directive. Please send any requests for essential UC-related travel to China to our Global Engagement Office ([email protected]) for review and approval.
For the latest information and more details about recent developments please continue to view the UHS Health Advisory. We also strongly encourage all members of the campus community to register with the campus travel insurance program for both personal and professional travel as doing so provides a number of measures to help ensure your safety.
While the CDC informs us that the risk of the virus to the U.S. general population is low, we understand that these can be anxious and stressful times. We encourage all members of the campus community to support each other, look out for each other, and keep in mind our Principles of Community. Remember, we are in flu season, so coming in contact with someone with a cough or fever does not necessarily indicate that they have coronavirus. Be mindful of your assumptions about others.
We will send another coronavirus update soon, meanwhile please continue to check the UHS website and for updates.