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A message of support for UC Berkeley’s undocumented community

"Every member of the UC Berkeley community is a valuable contributor to the university, regardless of immigration status," two campus leaders wrote

Sather Gate
UC Berkeley's Sather Gate (Photo by Peg Skorpinski)

Chancellor Carol Christ and Oscar Dubón, Jr., vice chancellor for equity and inclusion, sent the following message to the campus community on Monday: 

Every member of the UC Berkeley community is a valuable contributor to the university, regardless of immigration status. We recognize that there are many issues of concern that are causing a heightened level of  anxiety for members of our community, including the pending U.S. Supreme Court decision on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which is expected soon.  We remain committed to making sure Berkeley’s undocumented community experiences our university as a welcoming, supportive, and inclusive space.

The federal government has historically not engaged in immigration enforcement activity on college and university campuses. If you have any questions about your obligations as an employee should such enforcement occur, please discuss the subject with your supervisor and review the resources highlighted below.

If you are a student, the Undocumented Student Program (USP) staff is avai lable to support and direct you to resources if you are or may be subject to an immigration order or inquiry on or off campus. Unless required to do so by law, USP staff are prohibited from discussing or providing your personal information, including immigration status, or revealing such personal information to anyone outside of the campus.  In light of California’s shelter-in-place order, the USP office is offering virtual academic, emotional, mental health, and immigration legal support. Details on how to access these services can be found at

For staff or faculty who may be experiencing issues related to immigration enforcement activities, please contact Employee Assistance at 510-643-7754 or and/or People & Culture at 510-642-7053 or

For more information about your legal rights in an immigration enforcement situation, please consult counsel at the UC Immigrant Legal Services Center and the resource card, “Know Your Rights.”

For a fuller explanation of UC policies and procedures relating to undocumented members of our community, please see UC’s Statement of Principles in Support of Undocumented Members of the UC Community. For up-to-date information please visit

It is important to note that from time to time federal immigration officials can and do enter campus for non-enforce ment activities, which can include recruitment and activities related to standard immigration visa processing. When we have advance notice, the Undocumented Student Program staff communicate directly with impacted students about these visits to campus.

Maintaining a safe and open learning community can be difficult when individuals feel anxious about what is happening around them. Because of that, I want to encourage all of us to be mindful and respectful of each other during this time. In accordance with Assembly Bill 21, and in alignment with our values, we as a campus are committed to informing, updating, and supporting the campus community. Please make sure to avail yourself of community resources designed to support the success, inclusion, and sense of belonging of our undocumented community. More information on these resources can be found at: