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Closed, open, still, stirring: Pandemic-era Berkeley in 30 photos

Wonder what the campus looks like this fall? Come, take a look.

Five photos show activity at UC Berkeley this fall during the pandemic: a student working in the Student Organic Garden, construction workers at Giannini Hall, a student at the food pantry moving boxwes, three students sitting 6 feet apart on the Sproul Hall steps wearing masks and two researchers in an engineering lab
(Photos by Brittany Hosea-Small and Irene Yi)

You’re miles from UC Berkeley, maybe even overseas, working remotely and wondering if central campus has become a COVID-19 ghost town with cobwebbed windows, withering brown lawns, locked doors and barely a human, or even a peregrine falcon, in sight. Is anybody there?

If you were here, you’d see nearly empty outdoor expanses and darkened classrooms and offices. And because of all-remote instruction, most of the 45,000-plus students expected to enroll aren’t around; only about 2,200 are in on-campus housing.

But check out the slideshow below. As fall 2020 semester begins, we hope you’ll be glad to see Berkeley again, from a distance. It’s very much alive, in ways you may not have imagined, and will be readying for your safe return.