Chancellor Carol Christ: Standing with our Asian American community
Racism and xenophobia are antithetical to our values, she writes
February 17, 2021
Chancellor Carol Christ sent the following message to the campus community on Tuesday evening:
In recent days and weeks we have witnessed a series of violent, hateful and utterly unprovoked attacks in the Bay Area against Asians and Asian Americans. This violence in our region is not random or isolated. Anti-Asian bias and prejudice have a long and troubled history, and the pandemic has helped to fuel the xenophobia and hatred. I write today to express solidarity with and sympathy for all in our campus community and beyond who have been hurt, frightened and traumatized by these vile, racist incidents.
Racism and xenophobia are antithetical to our values and an affront to what we stand for as a university, so it is important in times like this that we come together, and stand together, in support of our friends, neighbors and colleagues. In doing so, we are contributing to the long history of solidarity work across racial and ethnic lines to fight systemic racism, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, and colonialism. This is also the time to reaffirm our commitment, through both word and deed, to our Principles of Community. Even as we work to foster a campus community that is diverse, equitable, inclusive, and supportive of a true sense of belonging for all, we must continue to extend our efforts to the world around us.
For those who may be in need, here a few helpful resources:
For students, find where to get support and make a report
Asian Pacific American Student Development (APASD) offers advising and programming for Asian American, Pacific Islander, South Asian, Southwest Asian and North African (AA/PI/SSWANA) communities.
CAPS for API Students is a resource listing counselors who specialize in working with AAPI students.
Employee Assistance is available to any staff member who would like to talk to a counselor.
Stop AAPI Hate tracks and responds to incidents of hate, violence, harassment, discrimination, shunning, and child bullying against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders nationwide.
To those in our campus community who have been directly impacted by this scourge or otherwise affected, please know that we see you and are here for you. We hope that you have still been able to find joy and happiness during this time when we observe the Lunar New Year and we wish you health and happiness during this Year of the Ox.