Campus & community, Campus news

Spring semester 2021: Pandemic-era Berkeley in 40 photos

Wonder what's happening on campus? Come, take a look.

Student Jonas Willett, wearing a face mask and a California T-shirt, shows his cell phone screen to a health ambassador outside Crossroads dining commons. The screen is green, indicating that he is current with his required COVID-19 testing on campus.
Student Jonas Willett shows his e-badge, which is green with the word "Cleared" in bold black type on his cell phone screen, to a student health ambassador at a table outside Crossroads dining commons. The green color indicates that a student, staff or faculty member is current with campus COVID-19 surveillance testing. (UC Berkeley photo by Hulda Nelson)

Next week will mark the year anniversary of COVID-19 being declared a pandemic and UC Berkeley switching to online instruction. Whether you’re in on-campus housing this semester, living elsewhere in the Bay Area, still in your hometown or on distant shores, the Bear Territory we used to know still feels like a much-used adjective these days — remote. So, with second semester well underway, here’s a peek at your campus, where we hope you’ll be glad to see that signs of perseverance, resilience and newness are as prevalent at the coming of spring.