UC Berkeley leaders: Chauvin verdict delivers ‘a measure of justice’
"These verdicts cannot return George Floyd to his loved ones or even begin to mend the grievous wounds caused by racism and anti-Blackness in our country," leaders write

April 20, 2021
The following message was sent to the campus community from Chancellor Carol Christ on behalf of the chancellor’s cabinet:
Today, a jury in Minneapolis delivered a measure of justice with its conviction of Derek Chauvin on three separate charges: second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. Yet, these verdicts cannot return George Floyd to his loved ones or even begin to mend the grievous wounds caused by racism and anti-Blackness in our country. As we awaited the verdicts, many of us contemplated the true meaning of justice as we continue to deal with the continuing horror and outrage arising from the stunning number of our fellow citizens, particularly people of color, who are killed by police. According to the New York Times, during the course of testimony at the trial — a mere three weeks — at least 64 people died at the hands of law enforcement. More than half of them were Black or Latinx. This cannot stand.
We are well past the point where we need reminders of, or any sort of wake-up call about the urgent need to confront and eliminate systemic racism in all of its ugly, destructive forms. We understand why so many of us are, in the words of civil rights leader Fannie Lou Hamer, “sick and tired of being sick and tired.” Those, of course, were the words she used to describe the struggle of Black people in Mississippi for justice and freedom. Those were the words she used after she was viciously beaten in a jailhouse. Those were the words she spoke in 1963. And yet, here we are in 2021 confronting the very same bias, discrimination and anti-Blackness.
While all of us who long and work for a just, equitable and truly inclusive society are profoundly impacted by what has been unfolding in and around Minneapolis and across the country, we are particularly concerned about the toll taken among our Black friends, colleagues and fellow citizens. The testimony in the Chauvin trial triggered new waves of racial or race-based traumatic stress, made worse by continuing acts of violence and hostility against members of the Black community. Today, 12 jurors made it clear that Black lives do matter, yet there can be no doubt that still, for too many, too often, they do not.
Changing the course of campus and country
At times like this, our individual and institutional actions must demonstrate our commitment to justice and its equitable application on our campus and across our country. We are wholly committed to continuing our work to create an anti-racist university where everyone feels a true sense of belonging, and a complete absence of bias and discrimination. We need, and must settle for nothing less than a complete and comprehensive elimination of racism and anti-Blackness. There is great power and potential in our collective efforts and all that we embody, model and embrace as a campus community.
Beyond Berkeley, our university plays a unique role in generating and disseminating new knowledge to the world across the full range of academic disciplines. We will continue to engage with our faculty experts in order to explore how we can best marshal the full force of Berkeley’s research to provide and advocate for concrete proposals that will lead to meaningful, lasting change across the full spectrum of campus, local, state and federal governments; law enforcement agencies; and systems of primary, secondary and higher education. In addition, we are scheduling Berkeley Conversations that will provide an interactive forum for a discussion of these very issues and ideas.
We are committed to lifting up the research and knowledge of our faculty members on critical issues related to racial justice and have curated stories about their work in this series Racial Justice in America.
Observing the occasion peacefully
Local organizations are planning vigils, marches and other observances to offer an outlet for the emotions many are experiencing. Should you choose to participate in community observances, we encourage you to do so peacefully and to be mindful of your own personal safety.
The Public Service Center is hosting virtual spaces for students to be in community, share and connect. One is scheduled for today at 3:30 p.m. Please visit their Facebook page or email [email protected] for logistics and virtual event registration details.
Providing resources for support
Students: If you need assistance navigating campus resources, you can reach out to [email protected].
If you would like emotional support, please contact UC Berkeley Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). Counselors are available for phone and video counseling appointments. There are also new online self-help tools. Students may visit the CAPS website, call Counseling and Psychological Services at (510) 642-9494, or, when the Tang Center is closed, call the after-hours counseling line at (855) 817-5667. CAPS employs mental health professionals trained to provide support to individuals from a wide array of identities, including traditionally marginalized or disenfranchised groups.
Staff/Faculty: Faculty members received this message from faculty leadership last week offering support, as they are in community with students during this emotional time. We encourage managers and supervisors to offer their employees the same kind of understanding during this time, including being flexible with requests for time off.
Be Well at Work – Employee Assistance provides free confidential counseling and referrals for our faculty, staff, visiting scholars and postdocs. To schedule an appointment with an Employee Assistance counselor, please contact (510) 643-7754 or email [email protected].
All members of the campus community:
- Centers for Educational Justice & Community Engagement: These centers provide space, programs and services for Berkeley’s diverse student communities. Learn more at ejce.berkeley.edu/mcc or (510) 642-6528.
- Reporting: For information and support on reporting hate crimes or hate-motivated acts, visit stophate.berkeley.edu.
- The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD) is a resource to provide consultation, referral to support resources, and resolution of reports of harassment and discrimination from students, staff, faculty and visitors that are related to protected class and civil rights policies.
So, as we move forward, let us do what we Berkeleyans have always done: create new art and knowledge, seek justice, make change and question the status quo. Here’s to brighter days ahead.
Fiat Lux,
Carol T. Christ, chancellor
And the members of the chancellor’s cabinet:
Paul Alivisatos, executive vice chancellor and provost
Lisa Alvarez-Cohen, vice provost for academic planning
Oscar D. Dubón, vice chancellor for equity and inclusion
Marc Fisher, vice chancellor for administration
Lisa García Bedolla, vice provost of the Graduate Division
Khira Adams Griscavage, associate chancellor and chief of staff to the chancellor
Diana Harvey, associate vice chancellor for communications and public affairs
Ben Hermalin, vice provost for the faculty
Julie Hooper, vice chancellor for development
Sharon Inkelas, special faculty adviser to the chancellor on sexual violence and sexual harassment
Randy Katz, vice chancellor for research
Cathy Koshland, vice chancellor for undergraduate education
Jim Knowlton, director of athletics
Olufemi Ogundele, associate vice chancellor for enrollment management
Rosemarie Rae, vice chancellor for finance
Stephen C. Sutton, vice chancellor for student affairs
Christine Treadway, assistant vice chancellor for government and community relations
David Robinson, chief campus counsel