In-person classes, campus operations will resume Friday
in a campus message, Chancellor Carol Christ encouraged the campus community to support one another following today's emergency

April 21, 2022
Chancellor Carol Christ sent this message to the campus community Thursday afternoon:
This morning, we learned of a credible threat of violence toward members of our campus community. We take threats of this nature very seriously and took necessary precautions as officers searched and secured the campus. In order to protect the integrity of the investigation and the safety of our community, we were unable to share real-time information.
We can now share that an individual threatened violence against specific members of our campus community. The University of California Police Department (UCPD) located the individual off-campus and the matter was resolved. An all-clear message was issued at approximately 2 p.m.
This was an unsettling day for our community. While we are fortunate that no one was injured in this incident, we recognize the alarm and the anxiety this caused. Our sense of safety and security was threatened; our academic and research pursuits were interrupted; and, for some, past experiences with violence may have resurfaced. We recognize that the incident was especially trying for those in buildings where there was police activity.
Campus resources are available to support you.
Students can access same-day counseling visits by calling Counseling and Psychological Services at 510-642-9494, booking on eTang, or calling the after-hours counseling line at 855-817-5667.
For faculty and staff, the Employee Assistance Program offers no-cost confidential counseling.
Visit recalibrate for wellness information and resources for the entire campus community.
We want to take this opportunity to thank the many officers of UCPD and neighboring agencies who responded to today’s incident. For your commitment to service and protecting our community, we are grateful. We also want to thank you, the greater campus community, for your patience and cooperation during this situation.
With in-person classes canceled for the remainder of the day, we hope you’ll use this time to reflect, find community and support one another. We will resume in-person classes and regular campus operations on Friday.