Rosa, one of the two female falcons that hatched in April 2023 on the Campanile, comes in for a landing. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
Zephyr flew first, followed by Rosa and then Luna. On Friday, May 26, all three peregrine falcon siblings, offspring of Annie and Lou, flew off UC Berkeley’s Campanile for the first time. The young raptors — two females and a male hatched in early April in a nest box on the tower — have practiced their takeoffs, flights and landings ever since and will continue perfect their skills, and also learn to hunt, in the next month or two. Then, they’ll leave home to find their own territories.
“They’re all starting to fly really well,” said Mary Malec, a raptor expert with Cal Falcons. She and a team of about 25 volunteers have now wrapped up the annual Fledge Watch. For about a week, as the newest falcons learned to fly, they monitored the activity through binoculars and were ready to help should a fledgling get stranded or hurt.
On Saturday, May 20, Annie sits on a loudspeaker on the roof of Evans Hall, seemingly calling out the start of Fledge Watch, an annual springtime event when her newest offspring learn to fly off the Campanile. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
Annie (front) glides past the Campanile that same day as Lou watches from a perch on the tower. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
Annie enjoys a solo flight. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
The next day, Fledge Watch volunteers Wing Ng (left) and UC Berkeley students Violet Henneberger (center) and Miles Turman (right) check the skies for signs of flying falcons. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
On Tuesday, May 23, Annie (left) and partner Lou return from hunting. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
Fledge Watch volunteers, including Cal Falcons raptor expert Mary Malec (in chair, center, with binoculars), wait and watch for signs of first flights. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
Annie demonstrates perfect flight form that Tuesday afternoon. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
On Tuesday at sunset, Zephyr peers down from an opening in the Campanile's upper balustrade, through its fleur-de-lis ornamentation, but is not ready to fly. Neither are his sisters, Luna and Rosa. (Photo by John Davis)
On Thursday, with the flap of her wings, mother Annie (above) encourages Zephyr (right) and Luna (left) to jump off the west side of the tower and to try and fly. They don't budge. (Photo by John Davis)
Lou also gets ready to help his offspring, positioning himself on a corner of the Campanile as Luna (left) and Zephyr (right) look north from the tower. (Photo by John Davis)
On Thursday evening, May 25, Luna looks out at the world from the same balustrade, but decides to stay put. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
Zephyr still is not ready. None of the young birds has yet flown. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
Cal Falcons biologists Sean Peterson (center) and Lynn Schofield (right) pose with son Vireo at Fledge Watch. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
UC Berkeley students Violet Henneberger (left) and Annie Zuromski are also Fledge Watch volunteers. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
On Friday, May 26, Zephyr is the first to try flying. He leaves the Campanile at 3:45 a.m. and lands on the oldest building on campus, South Hall, which was completed in 1873. This photo was taken at 10:43 a.m., when he was continuing to test his skills there. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
"I did it!" Could that be what Zephyr's expressing? (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
Rosa takes her first flight around 7:30 a.m. on Friday, May 26, about four hours after her brother Zephyr did. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
Later that morning, Lou (left) stays close to Rosa. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
In the evening, Rosa attempts a tricky landing on the Campanile. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
It's a vertical challenge, but Rosa eventually nails it. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
Zephyr keeps practicing that Friday. Here, he gets his talons ready for another landing. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
Annie brings food to Zephyr on South Hall. She subsequently places the food into his mouth. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
Zephyr chooses to spend the rest of Friday in a tree. He's too tired to fly back to the nest on the Campanile. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
Looking confident, Luna, the largest of the two female juveniles, soars through the skies on Friday evening. This photo is of her first flight. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
As she lands, Luna gives us a look at her beautiful wings. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
The next morning, on Saturday, the three falcon siblings spend some time together on the Bancroft Library. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
Then Zephyr decides he'll fly over to Evans Hall. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
Luna heads over to Doe Library. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
Her sister Rosa (right) joins her. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
A sisterly exchange ensues. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
On Sunday afternoon, May 28, Luna does some "loafing" on the Bancroft Library. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
An hour later, she's ready for her next flight. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
Luna chooses to spend time in a tree near the Bancroft Library with Zephyr (left). (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
Later on Sunday afternoon, Lou delivers a meal to Rosa on Wheeler Hall. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
As Sunday evening arrives, Luna is back on the Bancroft Library. (Photo by Bridget Ahern)
But photos by wildlife photographers such as Bridget Ahern and John Davis provide the most close-up looks at Zephyr, Rosa and Luna and how Annie and Lou are encouraging, teaching and helping them.
Ahern, who was part of the Fledge Watch team, said she took about 5,000 photos over eight days, documenting the progress being made by the newest members of Berkeley’s famous falcon family.
“I took a week off of work to participate. … It’s just thrilling to see them take their first flights,” she said.
Malec said the falcon siblings like to spend time together and can also can be seen “playing talon tag,” where they hook their talons together midair. It’s good practice, she explained, for when their parents, holding prey in their talons, urge the young raptors to grab it — an important step toward hunting to feed themselves, and their own families, some day.