Campus news

Media Advisory: Major international sporting event at Memorial Stadium

A news conference to announce a major international sporting event to be held on the University of California, Berkeley, campus this summer.

Inter Milan

ATTENTION: Print, online and broadcast reporters covering sports and local news

WHAT: A news conference to announce a major international sporting event to be held on the University of California, Berkeley, campus this summer. Representatives from the organizer and campus will be present to discuss the event and answer questions.


WHEN: The news conference will start at 11:45 a.m. on Friday, May 9.

WHERE: The news conference will be held inside the Field Club, which is on the first level of California Memorial Stadium and accessible through Lisa and Douglas Goldman Plaza on the west side of the facility. Media can enter through either Gate 2 at the north end of the stadium or Gate 5 at the south end of the stadium.

PARKING: The recommended parking areas near California Memorial Stadium are:

Witter Lot – hourly guest parking is available in the Witter Lot above (east) of Memorial Stadium off Centennial Drive.

Underhill Garage – hourly guest parking is available in the Underhill Garage located at the corner of College Avenue and Channing Way (entrance off Channing). This is the same lot used for media parking on football gamedays and is about four blocks from the stadium.

Street Parking – street parking in the area may be available, but note that spots are limited to two hours.

Television Van Parking – A limited number of parking spaces will be reserved for television vans along Gridiron Way, which leads into the north end of Memorial Stadium of Rim Way. Contact Herb Benenson at [email protected] or (510) 334-0791 in advance if a spot is needed.

For more information, see the campus map or this parking specific map.