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Opinion: To tip or not to tip?

As Bay Area restaurants move to replace tipping with a 20 percent service fee, UC Berkeley student Anastasia Yip offers her take on how restaurant workers get paid.

tip chart

tip chart

When you go out to eat, how much is it appropriate to tip? Do those who work in the kitchen get a share, or just the wait staff? When tips and wages are accounted for, do restaurant workers make a living wage?

For customers and restaurant staff alike, the practice of tipping can be fraught. Columnist Emily Post answered queries on the etiquette of tipping, while 21st-century travelers consult tipping apps to know what’s the right thing to do abroad. Meanwhile, many restaurant workers say the system is arbitrary and unfair.

A handful of Bay Area restaurants have already replaced tipping with a 20 percent service fee — and others are considering similar policies. UC Berkeley undergrad Anastasia Yip takes a look at the practice of tipping, and whether it’s time to revamp how restaurant staff get paid.

Read her blog post here.

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