People, Profiles

Meet our new faculty: Anders Naar, metabolic biology

This new UC Berkeley professor of metabolic biology researches the molecular mechanisms governing metabolism, and works to develop novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of metabolic disorders such as obesity, type 2 diabetes,

Andrew Naar

Andrew NaarName: Anders M. Naar

Discipline: Metabolic biology (Nutritional sciences & toxicology)

Degrees:  B.S. in biochemistry/biotechnology, University of Lund, Sweden,1988; Ph.D., UC San Diego School of Medicine, 1995

Research interests: Molecular mechanisms governing metabolism, including gene regulatory circuits and microRNA control networks. Developing novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of metabolic disorders such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases, age-related macular degeneration and many types of cancers and rare diseases such as homozygous familiar hypercholesterolemia and Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Fun fact: I grew up in a small town in Sweden and my backyard was a miles-wide forest, which I enjoyed exploring as a child. I still love hiking and other outdoor activities such as bouldering and downhill skiing.

Each week, Berkeley News is highlighting faculty who are new to campus this fall. Read more here.